Thursday, February 19, 2009

Photo Compositions from a Day Trip

In my photography, I enjoy exploring light and shadow and a range of compositions, particularly cropping, altering the photo plane and angle, and capturing compositions in unexpected places.

Zooming in to capture details is like painting a small object in a large, abstract way.

In portraiture, I experiment with backgrounds and how to make the person blend in or stand out from his surroundings.

Click trips & treks, my travel blog, for more info
about these locations and my day trip to get here.


Beth said...

Neat! I particularly like the convergence of all the different types of rock/stones/concrete in the second photo.

nina kuriloff said...

These are lovely photographs!

Amanda A Gordon said...

Thanks for the comments ladies.

Beth, that photo is actually the inside of an old grave. I was just wondering at the time: "Where is the body?"

However, the graveyard was very old. Graves were from 1800s, but there were a couple as recent as the 1950s... However, the graveyard appeared to be mostly abandoned.