Friday, May 13, 2011

Clay Bowls

My students and I recently created these clay bowls for an Empty Bowls Project, sponsored by the Second Harvest Food Bank. Second Harvest Food Bank holds a luncheon, and donors buy a ticket to the lunch to help raise money for the food bank. People attending the luncheon choose an empty bowl to take home with them as a reminder of the problem with hunger many people face today as they 'figuratively' look into empty bowls day after day.

Mixed Media Postcards

Title: "Over the Sun"

Media: Pen & Ink, Marker, Acrylic Paint

Date: May 2011

Title: "Falling to a Pattern"

Media: Pen & Ink, Marker, Yarn

Date: May 2011

These are two of my latest postcard designs. I incorporated images that reflect my journey as a student, teacher, and artist. I also incorporated several of my favorite media and art-making processes: drawing abstract designs with pen, weaving, and creating texture with mixed media processes.

Monday, May 9, 2011

"Skill," A Postcard

Title: "Skill"

Media: Tempera Paint, Marker, Ink

Date: April 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011


Title: "Art Teacher"
Media: Sharpie Markers
Date: May 2011

As part of a basket of tools and supplies for her classroom, I designed the art on this mini-canvas for my student teacher who finished student teaching in my classroom this week.

Mixed Media Postcard Design

Title: "Create"

Media: Paint, Marker, Ink

Date: April 2011