Friday, January 30, 2009

My Portrait

During his free drawing time today, one of my first grade students drew this:

He handed it to me before leaving art class and said it was for me.... which is fairly common. After the class left and I looked closer, I began to notice MY multicolored shoe strings, (black and orange for school pride,) jeans, black sweatshirt with a tiger, glasses, and apparently MY hair.

MY PORTRAIT, I presumed!


Beth said...

You should wear your hair like that more often! :)

N said...

Hmm...I didn't ever realize that your hair went out in funny little squiggles like that... ;)

That's funny! :D

Lauren said...

thats not your hair?! Lol! how funny!

Amanda A Gordon said...

The hair is cracking me up too! I started to leave the first comment that I did not realize my hair was so "interesting" on Friday, but it was Friday and dress down day!

I was actually impressed that the first grader paid so much attention to the details of what I was wearing...

lilstaceysmom said...

Come over soon and I can make your hair like the photo. LOL I like the picture a lot and that was sweet of the student too.