Monday, October 6, 2008

A Blast from the Past

Spring 2008, I completed a senior portrait shoot for a cousin, Wayne. We did on location portraits at his high school as well as throughout the surrounding town of Pilot Mountain.

The portraits reflect some modern and contemporary styles in traditional places. They also contrast the clothing and the environment as well as the pose, facial expression, and layout.


lilstaceysmom said...

These are all so great! My favorites are the one of him on the train and the sepia colored one of him in the camo outfit. The picture of him with the hat and camo really looks like a very old picture of someone at least 100 years ago. I didnt even notice it was Wayne when I first looked at it. These are great professional quality prints. I am proud of you Amanda! Love your sissy

Amanda A Gordon said...

I look forward to doing Eli's senior portraits in a few years! (Of course perhaps I will do Jessica's in just a couple years!)