Tuesday, September 14, 2010

County Fair Exhibit

I recently entered 13 works of Art and a few Crafts into a County Fair. I am very pleased that 12 out of 13 of the entries were awarded ribbons. Check out my Picasa Web Gallery to see the entries as well as some photos of my 'fun at the fair.'

Friday, September 3, 2010

Mail Art: Mixed Media Postcard Designs

My 2nd Postcard for the 2010-2011 Postcard Pal Exchange:

Title: "Together"
Media: Scrapbooking Paper, Tissue Paper, Gel Medium, Permanent Marker
Date: September 2010

My 1st Designs for the Art Teacher Mail Art Group:
Title: "Forever"
Media: Scrapbooking Paper, Tissue Paper, Gel Medium, Permanent Marker
Date: September 2010

Title: "Determined"
Media: Scrapbooking Paper, Tissue Paper, Gel Medium, Permanent Marker
Date: September 2010

Note: Over the past 2 summers, art teachers have been asked by our lead teacher to design and send in postcards for a teacher exhibit at Central Office. This year, instead of ending the mail art at the end of the summer, I suggested we have, and then organzied, an exchange for the school year. We currently have 14 Art Teachers in the group.