Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Artistic Christmas Gift

Title: Natural Friendship

Date: December 2008

Materials: Acrylic Paint, Wooden Tray,
Scrapbook Paper, Mog Pog Glossy Gel Medium,
Black Ball Point Pen

Note: This is a Christmas Gift for a friend.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
I have many photos and some art to share. I have been busy wrapping gifts, cooking, visiting friends and relatives, and otherwise celebrating Christmas. Stay tuned for more posts to come soon.

Introducing: Trips & Treks

This new blog will be dedicated more solely to my travels and adventures, mostly with my husband, but sometimes with friends and relatives.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Picture Tags

I was tagged by Annabeth at Life from the Toaster.
The rules are: Go to your Picture file, go to the 5th folder, open up the 5th picture, post it, and then tag 5 people.

Horizontally, this is the photograph that satisfies the tag rules.

Here we are at the National Tree in Washington, DC in December of 2007.

Vertically, this is the photograph that satisfies the tag rules.

This is Mabry Mill in Virginia.

I tag Melissa and Beth.