During the weekend of October 31-November 2, my husband and I explored Floyd,VA. Since it is nestled in the Blueridge Mountains, I expected a very 'traditional, down-home' place with homecooking restaurants, bluegrass music, and original buildings on Main Street. FLOYD HAS IT! Floyd, VA also has contemporary art galleries, organic food, and a 'green' village for lodging and shopping, constructed with natural or environmentally friendly materials. The weekend was a fun and relaxing mix of 2 cultures as modern art meets traditional living...
For more information, check out:
http://www.floydvirginia.com/Buffalo Mountain

The entrance is a few miles outside of town. You drive about half way up the mountain, on a dirt road, into the woods. Then, you hike to the summit. We hiked up it in less than 30 minutes. I was a little shocked to see a marked rattle snack crossing on our hike!

Jacksonville Center for the Arts
The Art Center is an old dairy barn, but the architecture inside is modern and contemporary. The building is divided into a hand full of galleries, and the rest of the space is divided into individual studies for artists to come and work.
(Floyd was originally named Jacksonville; the name was changed to match the county name.)Hotel Floyd

The cemetery behind the hotel, which is between the hotel and Main Street, dates back to 1830 and contains the unmarked grave of Nathaniel Henry, son of Patrick Henry.

Here is the land between the hotel and office that will be home to 17 more rooms for Hotel Floyd. Each room has a different theme...

We stayed in the Crooked Road Room, based on the crooked road of the heritage music trail.

Scenes of Main Street
The Floyd Country Store
Home of the Friday Night Jamboree

Courthouse near Main Street, 4-way, Intersection
(Photo courtesy of floydvirginia.com)
A Potter's Studio in the Winter Sun Building

The View: To & From
Along the Way on NC-8 & VA-8